Canalising Opportunities and Transcending Boundaries.

Nature never demands justice; it only snatches itself away from us. However, for years we have been overwhelmed by the blind-folly that we are at liberty to exploit the Earth, and someday we will reimburse for our self-made vicious circle. Hence it now seems correct to say that the biggest mistake is doing nothing just because we could do only a little. Awakening people and working for a social cause may seem tedious and beyond reach. But pacifying our planet by such efforts is the only thing in our clutch; since, it’s better to prevent, rather than curing what will happen.

"At twenty a man is full of fight and hopes to reform the world; at seventy, he still wants to do so but knows he can’t”. Rodney Dangerfield aptly exemplified the reality of sentiments that prevail in the willing members of the youth. Inspiring young minds and turning them into entrepreneurial leaders who will work towards the betterment of the community, and ultimately will cast an impact on the environment, have become subjects of primacy today. Ambitious youngsters have that power which when concentrated on to a single platform hurls quite an immense effect and Enactus DSC canalizes that determination towards transforming opportunities and turns dreams into reality. 

The drive within us to contribute to a social cause makes us resolute to focus on a social or environmental issue and the corresponding groups being affected. Enactus and its variegated projects are the media through which these drives are brought into action. Our society is not confined to the team members solely, rather it is inclusive of all the communities that we have collaborated with hitherto. In transit, apprising every person we encounter gives us a means by which a perpetual operation of teaching and learning is laid down.

Metamorphosing the lives of our beneficiaries is one of our fundamental interests. The expertise they learn is accompanied by a profound apprehension of the rationale behind what they and we do. Thus, it is with the same drive to enable the beneficiaries to leave the fear of an insecure future, social marginalization and straitened circumstances far behind; that all our efforts are extended. 

Henry George rightly emphasized the need of stimulating our drives into action when he said, "social reform is not to be secured by shouting, complaints and denunciation, formation of parties or the making of revolution; but by the awakening of the thought and the progress of the ideas as correct thought leads to right action”. The urge to awake and cheer every come-at-able person allows young leaders to truly actualize their entrepreneurial and socially innovative thoughts and enables them to pave the journey of a safer, better and sustainable world.


  1. It's true that the restoration of the environment must be one of our priorities but dearth of some agency to bring our ideas into action restricts us from doing so. Genuinely, Enactus inspires young minds and directs their determination towards a right target, thereby making it plausible for them to cause social impacts.

  2. Great insights! Enactus uses the Entrepreneurial skills to transform the lives of many in a positive way. Their passion and dedication towards a better world has always inspired me to fulfill my responsibilities towards earth. Enactus is one of those non profit organization who work with utmost dedication, their actions surely speak louder than words. Great going guys!

  3. Great insights! Enactus uses the Entrepreneurial skills to transform the lives of many in a positive way. Their passion and dedication towards a better world has always inspired me to fulfill my responsibilities towards earth. Enactus is one of those non profit organization who work with utmost dedication, their actions surely speak louder than words. Great going guys!

  4. It's such a pleasure reading about stuff where the scope of humanity is embellished in such an alluring manner. Creating awareness for the betterment of the society while inducing entrepreneurial development into youths is so inspiring!


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