Arrested in the flames of negligence and greed!

Like every other day at planet Trappist-1e, everyone greets the aesthetically displeasing green sky with a hideous smile. As the year 3019 is about to come to an end, the nasty rotten smell of the soil has only worsened and the taste of the regular drinking chemical has become even more awful. In this utopia, there exist nasty and foul creatures, whom we commonly call people; frightening and ugly people who love the wasteland they live upon. They still ponder over the reasons for the inheritance of such treasury and how their ancestors must have worked so hard and lived pathetically to have left them this beautiful dreamland.

If you ask the senile ones, they tell you, that Trappist-1E was once a dreadful land too when trees were green, the sky was blue and apparently, everyone coexisted in "peace". But it was the admirable negligence and ignorance of the inhabitants towards the climatic changes that led to the making of this grotesque luxury. The wise people gave speeches and talked about how important it is to take a step before it is too late.
Doesn't this sound synonymous to one of the possibilities to earth's future? If you agree, then you're probably one of the sane minds who understands this dichotomy. We don't have years left that we can sleep over it and let the ones who care for a future, do the work. Animals are dying, forests are burning and deforestation continues to gradually undo the fragile ecological processes that have been refined over millions of years, yet we choose to Instagram than contributing towards global sustainability. A celebrity's gym or airport looks or their child's photograph spam isn't the need of the hour. The whole world working together to achieve global sustainability is.
 Ever wondered what we should label this climate injustice as, a suicide or a murder? Because, even though we know that the health of the rainforests is linked to the rest of the world, yet we choose to be oblivious to it. But we're surely cooperating towards destroying the sanctity of our mother earth as well. Such situations shouldn't just raise concerns but an alarm in the mind of every individual! We shouldn't forget that we don't have a backup planet to live upon!
Change begins with us. These words are often uttered by global leaders and intellectual bodies with the hope of leaving a concerned impression on young minds without whose cooperation, this war could never be won. This war won't see rich or poor, black or white but will surely lead to an irreversible catastrophe. When will we get to witness the peaceful world that we've envisioned for years?
Some political leaders believe that climate change is a myth. We could wait for 11 months and see them choke down like everyone else, or we could choose to not believe their theories and be the change we wish to see.


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