The Enactus Journey

3 years, 1095 days, 26,280 hours, 15,76,800 seconds, all summed in just one word – ENACTUS.

I entered the college, three years ago, with gallons of hopes and tons of aspirations, “I will do something big”. The motivation to pursue something new pushed me towards a random registration choice - some social service gig – if not any other society, then Enactus it is.
In the beginning, my work pattern was mostly task based. I would diligently complete any task allotted to me. Little did I know that I had the capacity to do something much more than that. I owe this drastic transformation to one of my seniors, Simran Sharma, who carved out my abilities through her inspirational guidance. Months passed, and then came Exousia’17, a golden opportunity for each one on the team to experiment and play with one’s thoughts and ideas. A meek boy at the school who would often faint off nervousness, was leading the fest as the Event Head, such is the impact of Enactus in my life.

It was 2017 already, and I was now elected as the Vice President for the upcoming year. It was really exciting and threatening at the same time. A boy like me who has never been good at public dealing was now leading a team of enthusiasts; a boy who had been following the footsteps of others was now being eyed upon for setting examples. I’m deeply indebted to Akash Parashar, the president at that time who kept me motivated and inspired throughout. I saw juniors coming in with traits like me, and I felt the responsibility to help them transform, like these people helped me. That is when I grew from within. That is when I explored myself. That is when I developed into the person I am today. Weeks across stood the Enactus National Symposium and Competition’18, a landmark which every Enactus member wants to reach. Fortunately we did! A life changing experience it was, when I stood at the dice as the Speaker of the team, representing hours of labour and days of dedication. 

April 5, 2018, I was inducted as the President for the year 2018-19. No matter how much I want to, it seems impossible to explain the feeling. It was electrifying, it was spine-tingling. It was like I had an armour of power and a sword of responsibility.  With each passing day, my availability for each of my members ran round the clock. One reason why I absolutely love being at Enactus is that you get to test yourself in every aspect whatsoever, be it professionally or personally. Being a leader, you get to cast an impact on so many people that it feels vivacious. One would feel that it is an elating opportunity to be the president, and I would absolutely second that. But more than leading the working of the team, your role as the president comprises of integrating each member of the team into a family and entwine them, such that they come out of their shells and work in a comfortable environment. Working on projects, nurturing them like little saplings, striking a balance between the pros and cons, the risks and the opportunities and then landing on a decision, this cycle taught me something that all 20 years of my life and education couldn’t. You gain strength, courage and confidence with every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face, and then you can proudly say, “I lived through this one, and I can take the next thing that comes along”.

It feels gigantic when you move from being a part of Enactus to Enactus being a part of you. A lifetime of experience, a galore of relationships and millions of memories, ENACTUS gave me all, for ever!


  1. Replies
    1. Who da fuck is this? Samne ajao motherchod. Mein noni hoon.


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