"Bamboo IN,Plastic OUT"


 It was a bright sunny morning when I was at the hospital for a routine blood test.
While I was in waiting, a random commotion could be heard from the parallel
corridor. An astonishing scenario was available to fix your gaze at, a girl, nearly 17
years of age had lost her calm. She was walking all around the hospital with a
gallon of tears in her eyes, reiterating “Throw out these deceitful slayers”. She
wouldn’t spare a single plastic bottle, container or any other thing on her way. Her
traumatic situation urged me to approach her and ask her if something was wrong.
She burst out in tears and told me how her mother had been diagnosed with
lymphatic cancer. It could only be the chemicals in those plastic articles that
resulted in her mother’s cancer. Helplessness and debilitation had surrounded this
young girl.
Ever increasing health problem in humans is one of the most recently discovered
harmful effects of plastic. Thousands of people every year are dying of this
cancerous plastic. The reason is crystal clear, our ancestors didn’t bother to foresee
the pernicious effects before the over indulgence of plastic. The grave phase of
plastic disposal is one of the least recognized, yet the most problematic phase of
plastic’s ecological impact. Ironically, one of plastic’s most desirable traits—its
durability and resistance to decomposition—is the very source of the greatest
liabilities when it comes to its disposal.
In an incessant ocean of plastic, the nostrils of sea turtles are clogged with plastic
straws. The turtle, bleeding profusely, writhes in agony. Consequently, the
desperate biologists dislodge a four-inch-long straw from the creature’s nose. It is
my sincere urge to the readers, can you feel this pain?
Certainly the battle for survival is no leisurely for aquatic animals. Due to the
excessive use of plastic, the ocean has become a minefield for animals. We are all
involuntarily consuming poison each day. Well, you can’t call it entirely
involuntary for it is the result of our reckless habits only that have ruined the
nutritional index of sea food.
We are in a world where a day without plastic products seems unimaginable, but a
more threatening reality is that survival in this world with this vindictive plastic is
impossible. It is the need of the hour that we all eliminate plastic from our lives.

This will reduce our own exposure to plastic pollution, our planet’s plastic load,
and in short, devastation.
In our daily life, we are almost dependent on different forms of plastic. However, if
we look at things from a different perspective, we can win this shot of life with
glory. An extremely viable alternative to plastic is bamboo. An eco-friendly
substitute which can be used to manufacture anything and everything. It adds to the
natural beauty, whether it’s home décor or our planet.
Bamboo is a highly renewable, natural material that has antibacterial, anti fungal
properties and is biodegradable as opposed to plastic. The production costs of
bamboo are extremely low due to the high-volume of availability of this material
as well as almost zero alterations to be made. On top of that, the extreme durable
material of bamboo keeps it intact for a relatively long period of time. Usage of
bamboo products as opposed to plastic ones is massively beneficial to our
environment and future generations.
The bottom line is that, perhaps we can’t replace everything made of plastic with
bamboo, but we can at least take a step forward towards this revolution. It is time
to take a step towards BAMBOO IN, PLASTIC OUT mission. A seemingly
insignificant step at a time can help a lot and always be the beginning of a new
“You will die and degrade, but the plastic you use will never degrade."


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